Energizing YOU from the inside out!
Welcome to the Charging Up Leadership Podcast, where the main focus is, you guessed it, LEADERSHIP. Ultimately, you are first and foremost a leader of yourself. Leadership starts with you, knowing yourself, stepping into your power, and while standing in that power—with full awareness—BE-ing the best version of YOU at your core. Personally and professionally.
With a variety of guests spanning from leaders with experience on various issues, topics, and aha’s, to experts in the field of leadership, development, motivation, health, and well-being. I promise, fun and insightful conversations to spark new thoughts, perspectives, and suggestions to help you to plug into your core.
Topics include transformation, change, accountability, people problems, emotional intelligence, action, strategy, and bottom-line results, as well as a few personal favorites like inspiration, energy, and intuition.
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The complete list of episodes and Special Guest Podcast Cover links provided below (highlighting bio’s!)
Special Guests & Topics:

Ep. 12 - Eric Goodman, PhD: “Leadership From a Neuroscience Perspective”
This rich and informative conversation is all about Leadership from a neuroscience perspective. Eric and Heidi discuss topics that ultimately help leaders be the best version of themselves.
To grow as a leader, how (and why) you need to work on your mindset, clean up old HABITS, stay open, and clear new (neuro) pathways. The neuroscience of TRUST - the importance of this important quality and how to increase the links to optimize your leadership potential.The incredible POWER OF THE MIND! A mind-defying event attended (and participated in) by both Eric and Heidi which highlights and underscores what the mind is capable of. Contact info: EricGoodman2 on LinkedIn

Ep. 11 - Eric Goodman, PhD: “Wise Words About Emotional Intelligence”
Heidi and Eric attempt to tackle a number of weighty topics, and land on "Emotional Intelligence" for Part 1.
Eric shares organizational side effects (and costs) when leaders are not emotionally intelligent
He also gives great tips for working on your EI/EQ - it is never too late!
Heidi & Eric lean into personality and values-bases assessments
Eric provides a few memorable key phrases
Info on signing up for Eric's newsletter - EricGoodman2 on LinkedIn.

Ep. 10 - Heidi Frye, Podcast Host: “Use This Technique to Keep Your Cool”
In this episode Heidi shares a quick and easy technique for de-stressing, reseting, and preventing lose-your-cool-itis.

Ep. 9 - Heidi Frye, Podcast Host: “Leadership is Within Reach”
Heidi sees leadership metaphors, and her recent mountain climbing trip was no exception. Join in for a quick “mountain metaphor” discussing the parallel in leadership, and what employees need to be engaged and thriving.

Ep. 8 - Emily Kieliszewski, Municipal Empowerment Program Powerhouse & Former Miss Michigan: “The Emotions Behind the Mask”
Continuing the Convo - Part 2 with Municipal Empowerment Program Powerhouse & Former Miss Michigan, Emily Kieliszewski, as we discuss the emotions behind the mask.
In this episode, we finish the conversation we started, stopped, and started again in the last episode. After turning off the recording, there was more to be said about the hidden emotions, responsibilities, and comfort in wearing the mask.Emily talks about how playing the role and her own perspective handling the role, took her away from herself.
Emily Kieliszewski BIO: Emily Kieliszewski is the Michigan Municipal League’s Member Programs Manager where she coordinates services and programs for the League’s 525 member communities, including nearly 4000 local elected officials and over 10,000 appointed officials.
Emily leads initiatives including the League’s 16/50 Project and oversees the Elected Officials Academy, the Michigan Women in Municipal Government, executive search services, and member training and development programming.
Prior to joining the League in 2016, Emily began her career working with several nonprofit organizations and in a variety of roles in political campaigns. She’s also served as a staff member in the Michigan State Senate. Emily received her bachelor’s degree in political science from Michigan State University where she was selected as a Dean’s Assistant Fellow. She is also an alumna of the Michigan Political Leadership Program through the Institute of Public Policy and Social Research at Michigan State.
Emily participates on several boards and in a variety of nonprofit leadership positions, including as Vice President of the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) – Michigan, the NAMI Northeast Michigan formation committee, and as a certified family support group facilitator. She also served her home state as Miss Michigan in 2015.

Ep. 7 - Emily Kieliszewski, Municipal Empowerment Program Powerhouse & Former Miss Michigan: “Empowerment”
Municipal Empowerment Program Powerhouse & Former Miss Michigan, Emily Kieleszewski, talks about her front row seat to the spectrum of "empowerment".
In this episode, we explore both the empowerment program Emily manages, as well as her life in the spotlight. She talks candidly and vulnerably about her experience, giving us a behind-the-scenes view, and what it took to rediscover herself. She concludes by offering her (now) perspective and definition of empowerment.
Emily Kieliszewski BIO: Emily Kieliszewski is the Michigan Municipal League’s Member Programs Manager where she coordinates services and programs for the League’s 525 member communities, including nearly 4000 local elected officials and over 10,000 appointed officials.
Emily leads initiatives including the League’s 16/50 Project and oversees the Elected Officials Academy, the Michigan Women in Municipal Government, executive search services, and member training and development programming.
Prior to joining the League in 2016, Emily began her career working with several nonprofit organizations and in a variety of roles in political campaigns. She’s also served as a staff member in the Michigan State Senate. Emily received her bachelor’s degree in political science from Michigan State University where she was selected as a Dean’s Assistant Fellow. She is also an alumna of the Michigan Political Leadership Program through the Institute of Public Policy and Social Research at Michigan State.
Emily participates on several boards and in a variety of nonprofit leadership positions, including as Vice President of the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) – Michigan, the NAMI Northeast Michigan formation committee, and as a certified family support group facilitator. She also served her home state as Miss Michigan in 2015.

Ep. 6 - Therese Marie Smith, Executive Coach: “Coaching Execs Through Assimilation”
Therese is an executive business coach who specializes in coaching execs with addiction. In this episode, Therese brings to light:
The profile, population, and statistics of execs dealing with addiction
How the behaviors are the outward problem
The similarities with traditional (non-addictive) coaching
The #1 reason behind addiction (from her perspective)
Therese Marie Smith is an executive coach who works with high-accountability professionals focused on building their leadership skills and developing their careers. Her specialty, executive recovery coaching, serves individual executives, leaders or professionals whose lives and careers have been impacted by addiction or alcoholism. Learn more at