Ep. 4 - Heidi Frye, Charging Up Leadership Host: “Presence”

Heidi presents the Topic of the day - “Presence”.

Presence is when you are in the moment, “in flow”, and completely engaged. Not thinking about the past or the future, you are IN THE ZONE and balanced. Presence is an attitude and a choice. When you are calm, present, and balanced, you receive the moment without any attachment or context. You trust yourself to handle the moment appropriately, and you are a better version of yourself. 

Reduce your stress by practicing the presence exercise highlighted in the podcast. 

"Presence" example excerpt is read from the book "the Light Switch".


Ep. 5 - Andy Havemeier, Business Owner: “On the Rise”


Ep. 3 - Gretchen DeVault: Indie Music Maker // Web Strategist & Digital Marketing Leader - “INSPIRED ACTION” - Interview BIO